Monday, June 15, 2009

The First Annual Big Question Contest Wanna be Rich OR an Artist? Pick One.

Great Prizes! Publication! Attention! Adulation!

Every Sunday Morning (OK, almost every Sunday morning) I have a lovely chat with my "boyfriend.” He lives in New York and I live in Dallas, But that’s fine…we enjoy our Sunday morning conversations. We’ve known each other since the fourth grade. He was sort of really my boyfriend in high school, we dated a few times until, he claims, my father terrified him so much he asked another girl to the senior prom. I’ve forgiven him, but clearly am still the teeniest bit miffed, or I would never have brought it up, would I?

We have these lovely, interesting visits, enjoying this friendship that began in, as best I can figure, in either 1939 or 1940. After high school it went on hold until our Fiftieth High School Reunion. A tsunami had passed over the dam for each us by then, but we picked up like it had been only a few weeks.

Donald, ( I call him Don, but he prefers Donald) spent his whole life as an artist. He was a designer for Gorham Silver, his work is in museums all over the country. You can look him up…Donald H. Coleflesh. He’s considered one of the top silver designers of the Twentieth Century. Pretty impressive, huh?

I’ve been an artist too, ever since I picked up my first crayon. I’ve experimented with dozens of mediums…I’m not going to go on and on about that, but you can ask my kids. They never saw me without some kind of artsy-craftsy project going on. I’m still at it and so is Don. Artists are like that. They can’t stop. They may switch mediums numerous times, (how many actors are also known as painters?) but they never just sit down and announce that they are done now. Lost interest, tired of messing with it, calling it quits for good.

We talked this past Sunday morning about the fact that only a lucky few artists ever make it to the top of their game, getting rich off their talent. The rest of us just mudge along, doing our thing and we’re delighted if ten people know about it. And the money? Huh.

Don designed stunning silver pieces, I’m sure the museums (Dallas Museum among ‘em, and the Smithsonian to drop just a few names!) paid a pretty penny for them. He has no idea who owned them or who sold them but you can be sure that more than a few dollars changed hands. Not into his hands though. As is usually the case.

Now here comes the big however…when I asked him this morning, if he’d rather been very very rich and able to buy anything he wanted, or would he rather be an artist, it didn’t take but a minute to decide he’d far rather be the artist. And I understand. I cannot imagine my life without the ability to create, to take an idea that just pops into my head and turn it into a reality…even if it’s just a new necklace, a short poem, a new blog…whatever. It’s who I am and how I am. But that’s me. You may differ totally.

Which brings me (finally!) to the contest. Are you an artist? Any art form qualifies, if you can see it, hear it, feel it, or even smell it, it’s an art form. For the purposes of this contest you have to answer the question “Would you rather be a millionaire OR would you rather be an artist?” You can be one or the other, but not even halfway both. Tell us what/why/how you choose. There’s not a penny for an entry fee. It’s free. You can’t beat the price!

And oh, yeah, please read the rules below. (You’d be amazed at the people who don’t)

Here’s the Contest Rules:

1. Entries may be any art form suitable for reproduction in print, that will fold and fit in a #10envelope. Both options are encouraged as an entry, do not think you have to choose the artist’s life to qualify. We really want to know both sides of the question.Drawings, writing, poetry, photography…anything goes as far as an entry, just make sure it fits and can be returned in the same size envelope. Be passionate, be funny, be crass, but not crude. Crude will be burned, not returned.

2. Send THREE copies of each entry. Entries must fit on ONE 8.5 X 11 page. ONE entry per envelope. please.

3. Send your entry by mail only, e-mail entries will be deleted. If you want your work back please include a stamped self addressed envelope. Mail to:

The Big Question Contest
101 S. Coit Road
Suite 36-177
Richardson Texas, 75080

4. Deadline is Aug 1, 2009. Announcement of winners will take place Sept 30, 2009.

Prizes: Publication on the web for sure…with announcements of all winners on Facebook, and Twitter, all winners web sites and blog links posted as well. And if we get enough entries…print publication! Yep, We’ll publish a book of the best entries of both views. It will be available on Winners will get 5 free books with their entry in it, and be able to purchase books at 55% off for resale on their own web sites, at book shows, art shows, or your coffee table.

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