Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Warmest Wishes

Warm. One of the frequently used, most pleasing words in the dictionary. What’s better than a nice warm hug, a cozy warm bed, a toasty warm fireplace, and I could go on and on but maybe I ought to just get to the point. It’s freezing outside but here in my little house it’s lovely and cozy. And warm. What could be better? Well, I’ll tell ya….

I’m not decorating for Christmas this year. That’s because for the first time in my life I will not be here for that happy holiday. I will be cruising for an entire week in the Caribbean…on board a luxurious sailing ship. I’ll confess, I’ve got mixed feelings about it, too. I’ve never spent a Christmas away from my children. Ever. And I’m such a sentimental mush face that I am sure there’ll be a tear or two about that. On the other hand…life is an everlasting adventure, if you allow it to be. And adventure means you’ve got to step out of your warm little comfort zone, change things up, flap your wings harder so you can fly to new destinations. Who knows what I will experience, new friends I might make, new sights to see, new ways of living. I’ve got my sparkly evening outfits, an over my toes floor length cover-up for my bathing suit, and enough Chico’s tee shirts to last all week.

Picture this; I am sitting in the lovely warm sunshine, on an elegant outside deck of the Voyager of the Seas. The Caribbean sparkles all around me. At my right hand is a cup of foo-foo coffee (for those of you not in the know, foo-foo coffee is flavored coffee, chocolate raspberry being the #1 choice, but I’m certainly open to others as well) in front of me is a laptop computer. I’m working on my new movie script, title: Liz Estrada. Now, can you think of anything more fun than a scene like that? Stay tuned, I’m going to make it happen. Of course, I’ll take pictures.

Now it’s time to wish all of you who might read this, the warmest holiday wishes, laced with love and hugs and hopes for a happy new year. I’ve got to start packing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Ginnie. I envy you going on a cruise right now. Wish I could be there too.